South Boston Flats, 1910

Plan of South Boston Flats Showing Present Conditions and Sketch of Proposed Docks and Streets, 1910
Color lithograph
Professionally conserved
Very good conserved condition, color lithograph with bright colors, original folds flattened and laid down on Japanese mulberry tissue
36 × 18 inches
Sale Status: 
For Sale

            This early 20th century lithograph of South Boston's harbor area is a historic land use planning document that illustrates the rapid development of South Boston as a shipbuilding, import and export area undergoing rapid expansion. The plan takes in the existing railroad yards, including the round house and massive track system of the Old Colony Railroad Co. and the N.Y.N.H . & H. Railroad Company. The proposed Commonwealth Pier and Pier 6 as well as a new Sea Wall all in the South Boston Flats area are shown in a cross section drawing. The graphic composition of this Plan is visually elegant, with these cross section drawings framed in the curve of a sea wall from the Marine Park out to Castle Island and to the south.

            The Plan identifies certain South Boston landowners by name as well as a large playground between C and D Streets. Along the top of the Plan is the Main Shipping Lane.

Item Type Taxonomy: 
Geographic Scope: 